Thursday's Child

Friday, August 25, 2006

Proud as a....

In Glasgow, there is a stunner of a statue of a stout man near the entrance to a shopping center. He stands in what seems to be self-satisfied glory. He wears a slight smirk, and his head is turned to catch a glimpse of admiring stares. His hands are held chest-high, one across the other, and behind him, sitting at his heels, is a peacock, feathers folded. My friend Joan did some research and discovered that it's by a sculptor, Shona Kinloch, born in 1962, who has other equally enigmatic works scattered around the city. Its title: "Proud as a..."
Body image is perhaps an over-discussed topic, but this statue gives its opinion silently.


  • At 10:45 AM, Blogger Victoria said…

    Snicker . . . snicker . . . but really, just one of the many things that made Glasgow such an interesting city.

  • At 10:55 AM, Blogger King of Peace said…

    "I can see his pride
    Peep through each part of him."
    —Will S.


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